Ad Calculator – How much to spend on ads

If you’re wondering how much you need to budget for your next ad campaign, we built this calculator to help you out!

How It Works

  1. Choose whether you’re looking to budget for TikTok or Facebook. You will notice there is a slight difference between the recommended budgets for both – that’s based on the data from Meta and TikTok, with recommendations from their internal teams and documentation.
  2. Add your Cost per Action. To calculate your cost per action, you can reverse engineer your goal. ie. If you want a 4x ROAS, then you can divide your average order value by 4, and this would be your Cost per purchase (Cost per action). Alternatively, if you have a goal in mind, for example, £10 per lead – you can just add that in.
  3. Add in your number of ad sets. If you want to test out 1 ad set, you can set this as 1. If you already have various tests in mind, enter more. NOTE: This is the number of ad sets, not ads. Ad sets are audiences/profiles that you’re targeting, not the creative you’re showing them. You can have many ads in one ad set.
Ad Spend Calculator

Ad Spend Calculator

Weekly Budget: $0
Monthly Budget: $0

Facebook Ads Budget Calculator: Your Essential Tool for Campaign Planning

As e-commerce brands strive to grow, understanding the financial mechanics behind Facebook ads is essential.

We’ll be exploring the expenditure but also the direct link to profitability.

Our insight will equip you with a pragmatic calculator and a guide that will clarify how to budget effectively for Facebook ad campaigns.

Navigating the competitive landscape of online advertising demands more than a scattergun approach.

Through this article, we will address critical questions on budget allocation and identify common pitfalls within Campaign Budget Optimisation.

This will enable your ad spend to drive actual results and flourish in a crowded industry.

Facebook Advertisement Expenditure for Online Retailers

Ecommerce Advertising for Diverse Brands

Within the realm of online commerce, attentiveness to advertisement investments during different periods is crucial.

Remarkably, the festive season sees a substantial increase in the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and cost per click (CPC) on Facebook.

During non-holiday times, CPM and CPC are £13.34 and £0.85 respectively. However, these rates rise to £19.97 and £1.15 in the holiday season. Google’s CPC sees a slight uptick from £0.84 to £1.00 during the same periods.

Clothing and Fashion Segment

Advertising in the fashion sector experiences variabilities in costs with CPM elevating from £12.66 to £18.78 and CPC from £0.70 to £0.92 when comparing everyday periods to the holiday rush. Google advertising retains a milder shift from £0.55 to £0.71 for the same comparisons.

Beauty and Skincare Market

The beauty industry involves even higher advertising costs.

An average CPM outside the holiday season stands at £20.41 and leaps to £31.95 during peak festive shopping. Clicks follow suit, jumping from £1.17 to £1.72 on Facebook, and from £1.12 to £1.53 on Google CPC across non-holiday and holiday periods.

Gastronomy and Drinks Industry

For food and beverage retailers, advertisement costs are as vital as the ingredients in their offerings.

We see Facebook ad costs showing less variance between non-holiday and holiday seasons.

During these times, CPM shifts from £14.43 to £16.89 and CPC modestly increases from £1.13 to £1.31. Google’s CPC maintains a consistent rate, peaking only slightly from £0.94 to £0.97.

Health and Well-being Services

The health and wellness sector also navigates through more considerable advertising costs, particularly during the holidays.

Facebook CPM inflates from the £20.95 spent in regular seasons to an impactful £30.86 in festive times. Meanwhile, CPC escalates from £1.52 to a steeper £2.04. Google’s advertising costs exhibit a rise as well, with CPC moving from £1.05 to £1.17 when comparing non-holiday to holiday ad expenditures.

How Much Should Facebook Advertising Cost? One Tool & 10 Metrics

Cost Per Thousand Views

Impressions are the instances where your advertisement is displayed to a user.

The cost related to every set of a thousand views is what you should examine to determine whether you’re effectively engaging your desired audience at a reasonable expenditure.

Value of Each Click

Each click on your advertisement that leads a user to your site has a monetary value.

A high cost combined with a high Outbound CTR suggests it’s time to enhance your landing page to encourage conversions.

Outbound Click-Through Ratio

This ratio measures the effectiveness of your ad in capturing the interest of the viewer, comparing the total number of views to the clicks on your ad.

Monitoring this helps to assess whether your ad content is attracting enough attention.

Unique Cart Addition Cost

When a user adds a product to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, it’s vital to understand the cost incurred to achieve that add to cart event.

Dividing the total expense by the number of unique cart additions provides this figure.

Initial Checkout Cost

This is the cost that takes us from a cart addition to the start of the checkout process.

It’s an important step towards understanding the flow from interest to the commitment to buy.

Acquisition Cost

CPA, or the expense of acquiring a customer via Facebook, should firmly align with your business’s financial targets.

Achieving your CPA goal is indicative of appropriate ad spendings concerning your business operations.

Advertising Spend Return

ROAS is critical for evaluating the real monetary gain your advertisement investment brings back into your business.

Avoid setting stringent account-specific ROAS goals or making hasty adjustments without considering the broader context.

Rate of Conversions

This metric helps in understanding the percentage of site visitors who become actual customers.

To boost sales without increasing traffic, strategies such as improving the checkout experience or introducing new offers may be necessary.

Average Spend per Order

AOV provides an indication of the typical expend amount when a purchase is made on your website.

This average helps in determining the scale of customer expense across different product categories and can inform how much you can afford to spend on acquisition strategies.

Marketing Performance Indicators

MER evaluates the overall effectiveness of your digital ad campaigns by looking at the total revenue against the total ad spend.

Meanwhile, aMER focuses on the efficiency of your marketing in bringing in new customers by considering new customer revenue against the overall spend.

These metrics offer a comprehensive view of both current impact and growth potential stemming from your marketing efforts.

Effective Facebook Ad Budget Management: Bidding Tactics

Understanding Bid Strategy: Cost Cap Versus Bid Cap

Bid strategies provide a framework for controlling your cost per desired action, much like how your overarching budget dictates the limit of your advertising spend.

Within Facebook’s system, there are two particularly distinct bidding tactics that we should consider: the bid cap and the cost cap.

With a bid cap strategy, we safeguard our spending according to defined performance goals.

Facebook’s algorithm is intelligent enough to recognise when a target customer is unattainable and will generally halt spending before overspending.

It’s a common practice to set a bid cap at a percentage above your goal cost per action (CPA) to ensure room for competitive bidding.

On the other hand, the cost cap strategy aims for cost efficiency, attempting to secure as many conversions as possible without exceeding our target CPA.

Should the desired CPA be $25, for example, Facebook will allocate our budget only when it can potentially acquire customers at or below this price.

In our experience, cost caps generally deliver the most consistent results.

Selection Process for Ad Auction Winners on Facebook

Once an ad is submitted, Facebook conducts an automated auction to determine which ad will occupy the available space.

This auction assesses several key elements rather than simply favouring the highest bidder, ensuring that both advertisers achieve their desired reach and leads, and users have an enjoyable experience on the platform.

The deciding factors in the auction include the bid amount, which is not the sole criterion for victory, given the platform’s emphasis on maintaining a high-quality user environment.

The algorithm also evaluates the relevance and quality of the ad in question, considering the interests and historical behaviour of the target audience.

Moreover, the system estimates action rates to predict how likely a user is to engage with an ad based on past performance data and campaign objectives like conversions or link clicks.

Factors Influencing Facebook Ad Costs

When it comes to settling on the actual cost of your ads, Facebook employs a cost-efficient approach that only charges the minimum amount necessary to secure the ad space.

The platform evaluates several factors aside from your bid amount, including:

  • Timing: Costs can escalate during peak periods such as major shopping events, where increased advertiser activity on the platform leads to heightened competition.
  • Bidding Amount: Facebook provides options for automatic or manual bidding. Automatic bidding lets the system handle bid amounts, whereas manual bidding grants you control over the maximum price you’re willing to pay.
  • Ad Quality and Relevance: Facebook rates your ad according to the specific campaign objective you’ve set and user interaction, including negative feedback reporting.
  • Target Audience: The more detailed and niche your target audience, generally, the higher the cost due to increased specificity and potential competition amongst advertisers.
  • Ad Placement: The location of your ads within Facebook’s platform can also influence bid costs. Opting for automatic placements can reduce overall costs by expanding your reach.
  • Optimized Ad Delivery: The campaign objective you choose will dictate how Facebook serves your ad.

To maximize return on ad spend (ROAS), always optimise for conversion objectives. This directs your ad toward users more likely to make a purchase, even if this potentially increases the cost per mille (CPM) and cost per click (CPC).

In our practices, we consistently emphasise the importance of campaign budgets optimised (CBO) as a fundamental feature of managing Facebook costs and budgets.

While it’s crucial to remain vigilant of various factors, the CBO approach consolidates budgeting at the campaign level, leveraging Facebook’s algorithm to enhance ad set performance and outcomes.

Common Pitfalls in Campaign Budget Optimisation: Three Key Errors

Adopting campaign budget optimisation (CBO) on Facebook has streamlined ad spending, empowering advertisers to allocate budgets at the campaign level.

This essentially allows Facebook’s algorithms to channel funds towards the most promising ad sets.

It’s an approach that promises efficiency and the potential for enhanced return on ad spend (ROAS), yet certain mistakes can undermine its effectiveness.

Maximising Profit through Accurate Facebook Ad Spend Calculation

While CBO automates budget allocation across ad sets, ensuring the most effective use of each pound spent, there’s no substitute for precision in setting up your Facebook marketing budget.

Establishing a clear revenue goal and a budget that’s both sufficient for your needs and conducive to profitability is essential.

Our calculator can aid in determining your allowable cost per acquisition (CPA), which then informs your bid strategy.

It’s vital to strike a balance between spending enough to remain competitive, yet not so much as to erode your profit margins.

Arbitrating your CPA within the campaign can serve as a preventive measure, essentially a dam regulating the flow of your expenditure and preserving your target CPA.

When utilizing a calculator, consider:

  • Your overall budget for the campaign
  • Desired ROAS to ensure profitability
  • The average order value (AOV) that defines your break-even point
  • Your sales funnel’s conversion rates, which affect how your budget translates into actual sales
Facebook Ad Spend Calculator

Bidding strategies, while somewhat determined by Facebook’s shift towards machine learning and automation, must still be selected with your business’s specific objectives in mind.

Rather than overly tailoring your approach within your ad accounts, now’s the time to refocus on creative quality — the human aspect of digital marketing where intuition and innovation lead.

Through this calculation and contemplation, you’re not just steering clear of financial loss but nurturing each dollar to sprout profitable sales within your campaign’s fertile ecosystem.

Our aim is to balance machine learning’s might with human insight, optimising our ad creatives instead of needlessly adjusting campaign settings, thus allowing Facebook to do what it excels at: pinpointing and converting leads better than any other platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we calculate Facebook advertising’s cost per thousand views?

Understanding the Cost Per Mille (CPM) for Facebook ads revolves around the rate advertisers pay for every thousand times their ad appears on user feeds.

It’s determined by several elements which include the ad’s quality, the targeted audience’s competitiveness, and the bidding strategy chosen.

Which aspects affect our monthly Facebook ad spending?

The monthly expenditure on Facebook ads will vary based on numerous factors such as the campaign’s scope, ad creatives, target demographic, bid amount, and the campaign’s duration. It’s also influenced by market competition and seasonality.

What considerations should guide our Facebook ad campaign budgeting?

When setting a budget for a Facebook ad campaign, we must consider our marketing objectives, the product/service’s cost, expected conversion rates, and the targeted Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

It is critical to review past campaign data to inform future budgeting decisions.

What’s the method for predicting Facebook ad reach based on our budget?

We can estimate the potential reach of our Facebook ads by analysing historical data or using various Facebook ad cost tools.

These tools help predict approximate reach based on our budget, considering factors such as estimated CPM and click-through rates (CTR).

How to optimally distribute a <£1000 budget for Facebook ads?

With a budget of £1000 or less for Facebook advertising, careful planning ensures efficient use.

Begin by focusing on a specific audience and choose the campaign objective that aligns with our goals.

Next, allocate funds towards ad sets that demonstrate the highest potential for conversion.

Keeping an eye on performance metrics and adjusting the spend with real-time data is also imperative.

  • Audience: Narrow focus to enhance relevance.
  • Objective: Align with our end goals.
  • Optimization: Adjust based on performance.